You can now subscribe to Ubi Est Mea on iTunes. Please do.
The newest episode of Ubi Est Mea is available for download/streaming. It's with stand up and Wrestling With Depression host Marty DeRosa. I really like this episode. Please consider downloading/listening.
WrestleMania 23 with Chris Kelly
I thought a WrestleMania with republican presidential nominee Donald Trump interacting with The Boogeyman would be great. It's just OK.
Please watch WrestleMania 23 before listening. Or read the Wikipedia page.
WrestleMania 22 with Chris Kelly
The theme is Big Time. Peter Gabriel's "Big Time" is the theme song. That's a great song. I really like this Mania, Chris thinks it's just OK. Have a listen!
Please watch WrestleMania 22 before listening. Or read the Wikipedia page.
The newest episode of Ubi Est Mea is available for download/streaming. It's with stand up and actress Megan Gailey. Please listen. It's a good one.
Good friend Megan Gailey stopped by to talk about football! I like talking about football and most of my friends do not!
WrestleMania 21 with Chris Kelly
Rowdy Roddy Piper makes everything better.
Please watch WrestleMania 21 before listening. Or read the Wikipedia page.
The newest episode of Ubi Est Mea is available for download/streaming. It's with defense and foreign policy reporter for The Washington Post Karoun Demirjian.
For better or worse, Stephanie Hasz is a wrestling fan. She's my only friend to begin enjoying wresting in their 30s.
WrestleMania XX with Chris Kelly
The longest Mania yet so it's our longest Mania podcast yet.
Jesse The Body Ventura interviews Donald Trump! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Please watch WrestleMania XX before listening. Or read the Wikipedia page.
Apologies to Mr. Fuji, who is still alive.
I found the 60 minute 'film' I shot and edited on my iPhone 4 from July 2010 to December 2010. It screened once, at the Hungry Brain in Chicago, Il, on December 27, 2010.
Song/score by Daniel Knox.
A chat with the most knowledgeable wrestling fan I know, Marty DeRosa.
Subscribe/listen to Marty's podcast, Wrestling With Depression, here.
Here's the link to the Mike Quackenbush video Marty mentions early in the episode.
The first episode of my new WGN Plug podcast, Ubi Est Mea, is now available for download. It's a show about Chicago by former Chicagoans. Today's show is with former YMTE guest and head writer and creative producer for the Detroit Pistons C.J. Toledano. Download/listen here and via the art.
Art by Dmitry Samarov.
My new column for Neutrons/Protons is now up. Click for the adorable cat in a jack-o-lantern, stay for the multiple Kane references.
I'm on today's episode of Champagne & Snark talking about feminism. Thanks to Ana Fernatt for having me on!
WrestleMania XIX with Chris Kelly
A much better Mania than the theme song wants you to believe.
Welcome back, Rowdy!
Please watch WrestleMania XIX before listening. Or read the Wikipedia page.
I'm on today's episode of Wrestling With Depression talking about anger and suicide and other fun stuff. I sound manic. Thanks to Marty DeRosa for having me on!
WrestleMania X8 with Chris Kelly
Who likes the NWO? Why do people like the NWO?
Please watch WrestleMania X8 before listening. Or read the Wikipedia page.